Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Back to the Future

Who would have thought that over 20 years later, I'd still be writing batch files? Heh, this stuff should be in vbs, but sometimes quick and dirty is the best way to do it.

I'm writing tools to backup files and convert machines ready for a new systems image. Here's a fun snippet, undocumented command line options for Winzip:

"%ProgramFiles%\winzip\winzip32.exe" -a -p "C:\backup\%COMPUTERNAME%.zip" @C:\backup\filelist.txt

Which runs Winzip, adds the files in filelist.txt to a zip file uniquely named with the computer name. If you have multiple users, you can use %USERNAME%@%COMPUTERNAME%.zip to get john@mypc.zip for example.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Time to try blogger

I wanted to set up a separate blog from the family one, where I can put technical postings, and more "professional" stuff. And this is it.